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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 227-403

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The Total Correctness of Parallel Programs

Lawrence Flon and Norihisa Suzuki

pp. 227-246

An Algorithm for Finding $K$ Minimum Spanning Trees

N. Katoh, T. Ibaraki, and H. Mine

pp. 247-255

Scheduling Unit–Time Tasks with Arbitrary Release Times and Deadlines

M. R. Garey, D. S. Johnson, B. B. Simons, and R. E. Tarjan

pp. 256-269

Approximation Algorithms for Several Graph Augmentation Problems

Greg N. Frederickson and Joseph Ja'Ja'

pp. 270-283

The Rational Index: A Complexity Measure for Languages

Luc Boasson, Bruno Courcelle, and Maurice Nivat

pp. 284-296

Edge-Deletion Problems

Mihalis Yannakakis

pp. 297-309

Node-Deletion Problems on Bipartite Graphs

M. Yannakakis

pp. 310-327

An $O(n\log ^2 n)$ Algorithm for the $k$th Longest Path in a Tree with Applications to Location Problems

N. Megiddo, A. Tamir, E. Zemel, and R. Chandrasekaran

pp. 328-337

Optimization Problems on Graphs with Independent Random Edge Weights

George S. Lueker

pp. 338-351

Equivalence of Relational Database Schemes

Catriel Beeri, Alberto O. Mendelzon, Yehoshua Sagiv, and Jeffrey D. Ullman

pp. 352-370

An Extension of Strassen's Degree Bound

C. P. Schnorr

pp. 371-382

Languages Simultaneously Complete for One-Way and Two-Way Log-Tape Automata

J. Hartmanis and S. Mahaney

pp. 383-390

Recursive Graphs, Recursive Labelings and Shortest Paths

Andrzej Proskurowski

pp. 391-397

An Analysis of a Memory Allocation Scheme for Implementing Stacks

Andrew C. Yao

pp. 398-403